Which should I choose?

There are two basic dry ice blasting systems:

  • single-hose systems
  • dual-hose (venturi) systems

The basic difference is the resulting blasting aggression, although aggression can also be influenced by the dry ice media used (shaved dry ice block or dry ice pellet). Which system is right for you may vary with your application. But in most cases single-hose systems provide far better cleaning and flexibility. And with Cold Jet's patented nozzle technology, you are assured of getting the best cleaning possible from any machine. Contact Cold Jet today to match the appropriate system with your cleaning needs.
To learn more about the general difference in these systems, read on...

Single-hose systems

Single-hose technology was pioneered and introduced by Cold Jet in 1986. In single-hose systems there is one hose leading from the hopper to the applicator and there is a feeder system that feeds the dry ice particles and compressed air into that single hose. The dry ice particles are then accelerated by the compressed air stream through the entire length of the hose, dramatically increasing their kinetic energy and the aggressiveness of the clean.

A key advantage of single-hose machines is the option of using a longer hose, which allows an operator to be further from the machine with little reduction in blast aggression. Single-hose system aggression is also ideal for removing heavier build-up or for blasting at a vertical elevation where the machine is at a lover level than the blasting surface.

A: dry ice
B: compressed air
C: hopper
D: applicator

Two-hose systems

Early dry ice blasting systems used dual-hose technology, a system that uses the Venturi effect to accelerate the particles. In two-hose systems compressed air is supplied to the blast applicator through one hose, while dry ice is supplied through a second hose running from the applicator to the hopper. The passage of compressed air through the applicator creates a suction on the second hose that pulls the dry ice particles from the hopper into the compressed air stream at the applicator. The dry ice particles and compressed air are then blasted together.

A: dry ice
B: compressed air
C: air & ice mixing applicator

As the dry ice particles are only actually accelerated the length of the applicator by the compressed air, the dual hose system has a relatively small kinetic effect and offers a much less aggressive clean than single hose technology.
Two hose systems also have the following limitations:

  • The length of the hose is limited by the two-hose suction capability, which then limits how far away the blasting can take place from the machine
  • The limited aggression of the two-hose system will not allow for vertical blasting because the suction would also have to overcome gravity
  • The allowable diameter of two-hose nozzles is limited by the lower efficiency and impact velocity created by pulling particles into nozzle by suction